舊 2007-05-27, 00:22   #36
kevin 的頭像
註冊日期: 2001-11
文章: 1042
部落格文章: 1
kevin 的聲望功能已被停用
就是蛋頭解釋的那樣, 我再用我的方式解釋, 若有錯誤請指正.

其中紅色的句子並沒提到"有世界排名"跟"無世界排名"的順序, 所以藍色句是用來解釋前一句(紅色句子)的.

3.4.4 c) The starting order of the rounds following the qualification round, other than a superfinal or a bouldering semifinal, shall be the reverse order of the ranking of the previous round, i.e. the first shall start last.

** 平手時的大原則: 有WR --> 倒序排 ; 無WR --> 隨機排
In the case of tied competitors from a previous round, the starting order between them shall be the reverse of the current WR or, in the case of non-ranked competitors, randomised.
如出現平手情況,平手選手之間的出場序是有世界排名的依排名倒序, 無世界排名的隨機排序) (註:修改了最後一句)

回答大濟的問題: 最後的
randomised 我覺得應該是指 non-ranked competitors 之間 randomised; 而不是"有WR"跟"無WR"混合randomised.

** 平手時: 有WR vs. 無WR --> 無WR先出賽, 有WR後出賽.

In case of a tie between a ranked competitor and a non-ranked competitor, the non-ranked competitor shall start first.
(註: 我會用"假如有"代替"假如只有", 因為從這句起分別在解釋不同組合該如何排, 實際情形有可能會多於2位選手平手)

** 平手時: 有WR vs. 有WR, 且WR名次相同 --> 隨機排.
In the case of a tie between two competitors with the same ranking, the starting order between them shall be randomised.

** 平手時: 無WR vs. 無WR --> 隨機排.
In the case of a tie between two non-ranked competitors, a new randomisation shall determine the starting order between the two competitors.


3.4.4 c) The starting order of the rounds following the qualification round, other than a superfinal or a bouldering semifinal, shall be the reverse order of the ranking of the previous round, i.e. the first shall start last. In the case of tied competitors from a previous round, the starting order between them shall be the reverse of the current WR or, in the case of non-ranked competitors, randomised. In case of a tie between a ranked competitor and a non-ranked competitor, the non-ranked competitor shall start first. In the case of a tie between two competitors with the same ranking, the starting order between them shall be randomised. In the case of a tie between two non-ranked competitors, a new randomisation shall determine the starting order between the two competitors.
除了超級決賽或抱石準決賽,資格賽以後各賽事的出場序應依前一場所得名次倒序 ,例如:第一名應最後出場。如出現平手情況,平手選手之間的出場序是有世界排名的依排名倒序, 無世界排名的隨機排序。假如是有兩位平手,一有世界排名,一無世界排名,則無排名選手應先賽假如有兩位相同世界排名的選手平手,則該兩名選手之間應隨機排序。假如是兩位無世界排名的選手平手,該兩名選手之間應再隨機排序。
總結: 若選手皆平手, 一定是所有"無WR"選手隨機排序全出場完後; 才是"有WR"選手隨機排序(如果WR排名相同)出場.

這個方式應用在台灣的話, 就可依"去年的巡迴賽排名"或"最新巡迴賽排名"來當作出場排序依據.


此文章於 2007-05-27 00:44 被 kevin 編輯.
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