2010-05-07, 00:20 | #1 |
註冊日期: 2009-01
住址: 宜蘭冬山
文章: 406
[求助]請問 rap-bolding 是什麼?
2010-05-07, 13:01 | #2 |
有可能是rap-bolting用bolt下降 |
2010-05-07, 22:53 | #3 |
註冊日期: 2009-05
文章: 66
i think you meant rap bolting not bolding
如果和 ground up 比較 就可以知道其中的差異了 開線者可以以傳統的方式、從下往上爬、在幾個不錯的 stance 、打bolts 、這樣的開線法叫做 ground up 如果由別的線路、或是hike 到頂上、rapping 想要打 bolt 的線路、從上往下打 bolts、叫做 rap bolting 在攀岩的歷史中、認為 ground up才是王道、不過現在很多線路都是 rap bolted 因為快又安全 我個人則沒有意見、可以如果我可以、也希望 ground up a first ascent 尤其在 alpine environment 、ground up a trad route is the only way |
2010-05-07, 23:57 | #4 |
註冊日期: 2009-01
住址: 宜蘭冬山
文章: 406
Ya, that was my typos, it should be the "rap-bolting".
原文如下: Only after the Yosemite revolution with Yvon Chouinard and Royal Robbins, and later on Ron Kauk, did this idea come back to Europe. [Chouinard and Robbins reduced artificial aid to a minimum and relied as much as possible on free-climbing standards. In the mid-1960s they led the way in using leader-placed nut protection in lieu of pitons, an idea they had picked up from British climbers. Kauk followed in their footsteps until he began rap-bolting routes, a radical departure from the ground-up ethic of his predecessors.] 謝謝! 說明得很清楚。 |
2010-05-10, 14:18 | #5 |
註冊日期: 2010-03
文章: 103