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舊 2003-04-17, 21:24   #1
kevin 的頭像
註冊日期: 2001-11
文章: 1042
部落格文章: 1
kevin 的聲望功能已被停用
關子嶺5.14a!(new project by Yuji)

關子嶺5.14a!(new project by Yuji)


「I am sure it\'s 14a」,這是Yuji從岩壁降到地面前說的第一句話。



第二天上午Yuji在「終極岩」很謹慎的熱身完後,再次攀爬並以「<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">天龍八部</a>」(5.13b) 下半段的「一顆榕樹下」(5.11b)熱身。接著他on-sight了「野地飛鼠」(5.12d)。休息過後Yuji以優雅的動作完攀了「天龍八部」(5.13b)。(下半段red-point,上半段on-sight。)中午時分,一群人浩浩蕩蕩的往「毒刺林」前進。

「毒刺林」共有10條路線,兩條5.10、六條5.12以上的難路線、兩條project路線。其中一條project約5.13,但另一條則似乎是平滑無點可抓的「不可能的路線」。Yuji到了「毒刺林」先on-sight了「<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">方塊酥</a>」(5.13a),之後另一條「<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">小蜜蜂</a>」(5.12c/d)則在完攀前因判斷錯誤而墜落。(許\多難路線的難度需要再確定。)




Yuji確定此project路線一定有5.14a的難度,但因為他無法完攀,所以沒辦法確定實際的難度,他表示難度有可能會更高。由於路線的命名是由首攀者決定,但在還沒有人完攀前,暫且以Yuji給此路線的名字「Just for fun」來稱之。


<a href=\"\"></a>

<font size=1>[ 這篇文章修改由: chao 在 2004-06-27 23:22 ]</font>
kevin 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 2003-04-17, 21:24   #2
註冊日期: 2004-02
文章: 551
關子嶺5.14a!(new project by Yuji)

Yuji曾創下全球首位on-sight 5.14a及拿下2000年世界盃攀岩巡迴賽年度總冠軍的兩項紀錄.訪台之前,他才剛在日本二子山首攀了一條5.14d/5.15a的project. 他昨天在毒刺林開出的這條5.14a路線可說是樹立了台灣攀岩史上一個新的里程碑! 希望以後還有榮幸請到其他世界級高手來台灣做類似的表演,以開拓國內岩友的世界觀.

imported_Anonymous 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 2003-04-17, 21:24   #3
註冊日期: 2004-02
文章: 551
關子嶺5.14a!(new project by Yuji)

<TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>
On 2003-04-07 05:11, Anonymous wrote:
Yuji曾創下全球首位on-sight 5.14a及
但他on-sight 2 條5.14a

拿下2000年世界盃攀岩巡迴賽年度總冠軍的兩項紀錄.訪台之前,他才剛在日本二子山首攀了一條5.14d/5.15a的project. 他昨天在毒刺林開出的這條5.14a路線可說是樹立了台灣攀岩史上一個新的里程碑! 希望以後還有榮幸請到其他世界級高手來台灣做類似的表演,以開拓國內岩友的世界觀.

</BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE> [img]images/forum/smilies/icon_eek.gif[/img]
imported_Anonymous 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 2003-04-17, 21:24   #4
註冊日期: 2000-07
文章: 619
關子嶺5.14a!(new project by Yuji)

當初真是有遠見啊!! [img]images/forum/smilies/[/img] [addsig]

When I have a little time, I climb;
and if any is left, I eat and sleep.

chao 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 2003-04-17, 21:24   #5
註冊日期: 2000-07
文章: 619
關子嶺5.14a!(new project by Yuji)


<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\" BORDER=\"0\"></a>

When I have a little time, I climb;
and if any is left, I eat and sleep.

<font size=1>[ 這篇文章修改由: chao 在 2003-04-12 21:03 ]</font>

When I have a little time, I climb;
and if any is left, I eat and sleep.

chao 目前離線   回覆時引用此篇文章
舊 2003-04-17, 21:24   #6
註冊日期: 2004-02
文章: 551
關子嶺5.14a!(new project by Yuji)



Grade Route Crag Country Date First ascender
8b+ Lungfish U: Rifle United States More 4 ascends 2 comments
8b+ Are you ready Chateuvert France 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ La rage de vivre F: Buoux France 2 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Cold war U: Rumney United States More 6 ascends 2 comments
8b+ Gommorah U: Rifle United States 4 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Super powers The Fortress None 3 ascends 0 comments
8b+ The style thats free U: Rumney United States More 3 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Le Pletheur Sundown Ledges None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Marioneta S: Misja/Osp Slovenia More 4 ascends 2 comments
8b+ sopermaratona I: Arco Italy 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Le Plafond F: Volx France More 3 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Zulu U: Rifle United States More 5 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Soul Train U: Mt. Charleston United States More 7 ascends 3 comments
8b+ Closing down U: Mt. Charleston United States More 6 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Fetuccini Campezo None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Ultime Atome Aiguines None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ No name Majorca None 2 ascends 0 comments
8b+ El Sikario l’Escalete None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Donnerkuppel D: Frankenjura Germany 3 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Les Elements E: Montsant France 6 ascends 0 comments
8b+ to bolt or not to be U: Smith rocks United States More 2 ascends 1 comments
8b+ u/n wcj None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ poppy anstey None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ powerranger U: Malham United Kingdom 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Honemaster Flatirons None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Gropius U: Rifle United States George Squibb More 2 ascends 2 comments
8b+ Jeu d&acute;artifices F: Annot France 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ La Levitation D: Frankenjura Germany 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Straight Edge D: Frankenjura Germany 3 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Drecksack D: Frankenjura Germany 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Sheer terror D: Frankenjura Germany 2 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Mortal Kombat F: Castillon France More 4 ascends 3 comments
8b+ Autoportrait F: Russan France More 2 ascends 2 comments
8b+ No name F: St. L&eacute;ger France More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Shingen B: Freyr Belgium More 3 ascends 1 comments
8b+ 13,La placette F: Verdon France 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ 7 pm tv show U: Rifle United States More 6 ascends 2 comments
8b+ The millenium U: Maple Canyon United States More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Settimo Senso Cornalbo None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Alle ricerca della v Sasso Pelo None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ La dura legge del cu I: Cubo Italy 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Follia Esplosiva Tenda None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Maldita Maria E: Cuenca Spain 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Missing link S: Misja/Osp Slovenia More 5 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Mixed Emotions Mt Potasi United States More 2 ascends 2 comments
8b+ Don\'t trust whitey U: Rifle United States More 2 ascends 2 comments
8b+ Biotop F: Claret France More 8 ascends 4 comments
8b+ F-Dude U: VRG United States More 3 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Mon Pote Aussi Mt Potasi United States More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Magic eyes S: O&ntilde;ate Spain More 2 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Dancing with myself ? None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Terapia de Grito ? None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Panoramix E: Basqueland Spain More 3 ascends 2 comments
8b+ Dr. No U: Rumney United States More 7 ascends 2 comments
8b+ Thanatos Wave Cave None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Jabberwocky Restaurant None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Lila Eule D: Frankenjura Germany 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Wusterman D: Frankenjura Germany 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Raise the roof D: Frankenjura Germany More 3 ascends 2 comments
8b+ Horse Lattitudes U: VRG United States More 2 ascends 1 comments
8b+ VIAGGIO SEGRETO FERENTILLO None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Titan Lion\'s Head, Ontario None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Planet Earth U: VRG United States 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ The Present Gorrila Cliff\'s None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Chouca continue? F: Buoux France 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Parallel Universe U: Rumney United States More 7 ascends 1 comments
8b+ the Big R U: Smith rocks United States 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Theia Dikh Chatzouri None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ ? E: Rodellar Spain More 1 ascends 3 comments
8b+ Cannibal direct U: American Fork United States 2 ascends 0 comments
8b+ infierno di pietra Cavazzo None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Missing drink S: Misja/Osp Slovenia More 4 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Spaceinvader D: Frankenjura Germany 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ All Out U: Kilnsey United Kingdom 2 ascends 0 comments
8b+ No Hame Majorca None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Quo Vadis Okic None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Crokusaka Jurassic Park France 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Eros tensa el E: Cuenca Spain More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Had&iacute; oči Elbsandstein Czech Republic 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Bad Man U: Smith rocks United States More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Route of all evil U: VRG United States 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Akebono Kotecnik-SLO None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Fetus F: St. L&eacute;ger France More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ mr.cheki E: Siurana Spain 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ N&auml;r lammen tystnar Niemisel Sweden Peter Bosma More 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ olokaust Trieste Italy More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ hyjacher Hinkelstein France 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Palacinka Retovje-SLO None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Stone Love D: Frankenjura Germany More 3 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Linie 1 D: Frankenjura Germany 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Hyaena Finale Italy More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Crew U: Rifle United States More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ morphe&uuml;s Matrice None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Le Bilboqueur Grotte de l\'Ours None More 2 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Massey Fergusson l\'Ours None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Hale Bopp I: Arco Italy More 3 ascends 2 comments
8b+ Canalissimo top F: Orgon France 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Marjetica S: Misja/Osp Slovenia More 4 ascends 3 comments
8b+ Anima Mundi I: Ceredo Italy More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Abadzikra Visnove None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Haremheb Visnove None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Panter Visnove None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Glutaman Moravsky kras/cz None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ La Pietra Murata I: Arco Italy 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Friends like you D: Frankenjura Germany 2 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Dao Xiang Marlen None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Vec kot spijemo ... Vipavska Bela Slovenia More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Eros Wave Cave None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Flat Eric D: Frankenjura Germany 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Figaros Hochzeit R&auml;ucherschinken Germany More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Masse Critique F: Cima&iuml; France 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Buena Vista Social c Kochel Germany 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Perpetually stoked Boki Switzerland More 2 ascends 2 comments
8b+ Bonshorno Boki Switzerland 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Nice boys D: Frankenjura Germany 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Preventiva+IVA Disblia None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Ebola E: Montserrat Spain 2 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Paranoia None 2 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Final Battle None 2 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Gora begira... E: Basqueland Spain More 2 ascends 2 comments
8b+ Fetuccini E: Basqueland Spain More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ .......force None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ very very rough None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Carabistouille B: Freyr Belgium More 2 ascends 1 comments
8b+ je suis une.... F: Orpierre France 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Mobi Dik None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Big Badaboom Grotte &agrave; Marius None More 2 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Dodge the Lemons U: Rumney United States More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Insectaphobe Redwing None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Dao Xiang F: Kronthal France More 2 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Gliste Slovenia None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Mecca U: Raven Tor United Kingdom 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Matrix Slovenia None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Silent Menace The chief None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Downsystem Check United States 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Pulse Chek Canyon Canada 2 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Direct Hit U: Mt. Charleston United States More 2 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Patience Checkemous None More 2 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Obelix forever Apellaniz None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Hot chili deverse None More 4 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Proper Soul Cirque, NRG None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ mr tickle A: Diamond Falls Australia More 4 ascends 3 comments
8b+ mr line A: Diamond Falls Australia More 4 ascends 3 comments
8b+ Punks in the gym A: Arapiles Australia More 3 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Staring at the sea Wave wall None More 4 ascends 2 comments
8b+ Ekspozytura Szatana Pochylec None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Ogr&oacute;d Rozkoszy Ziem Dol. Będkowska None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Samosa Grampians, Sandinista Australia More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Duel Fuel Mellinium Caves None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Demon Flower Muline Crag None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Beef Miester Rosies None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Inter Galatic Latic Aliens Domian None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Alfa leather Centenial Glen Australia More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Mrs. Jackson the dungeon None More 2 ascends 2 comments
8b+ D&eacute;ja Soyhi&egrave;res None More 2 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Wombat A: Zillertal Austria More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Generation Next A: Zillertal Austria 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Fond de Tiroir Saussois France 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Better than life glen None More 2 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Villain U: Smith rocks United States 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ parties cachees F: St. Cezaire France More 3 ascends 2 comments
8b+ on s\'pete la ruche ombleze None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ plus x F: Russan France More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Papiroska Sasso Pelo None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ signe exterieur F: Thaurac France More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Terminal velocity Industrial Wall United States More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ hiroshima mon amour hortus None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Rabbia Paolo Tenda None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Rabbia nelle mani Tenda None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Magma F: Gorges du Loup France More 5 ascends 3 comments
8b+ baby basher Kochel Germany More 2 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Ombra Finale Italy 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Fire In Da Belly Mellenium Caves None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Anime salve I: Cala Fuili Italy 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ especie suicida None More 2 ascends 1 comments
8b+ master of puppets E: Teverga Spain 3 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Simonides E: Basqueland Spain 2 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Pietramurata I: Arco Italy More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ la trav.of capt siam E: Siurana Spain More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Bout\'Chou F: Buoux France 2 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Courva Perspectiva Chatzouri None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Super Hungry Dschungelbuch None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Berg Heil Dschungelbuch None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Total brutal A: Zillertal Austria More 2 ascends 2 comments
8b+ terra promessa I: Arco Italy More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Reto del Machacas O Veral(Lugo) None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Protobolt Cuevaboyu None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Alpha Leather Centenial Glen Australia 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Mojave Swiss None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Maia I: Cubo Italy 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Mojave Biliger None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Athene I: Arco Italy More 2 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Altman Sasso Remenno None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ CiamuT le bighe None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Pilgrimage C: Billeger Switzerland More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Superengel Engelsdach None More 2 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Broklin boogie Pierrot beach None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Osmoween D: Frankenjura Germany 2 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Sweet smoke Karlstein Germany 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Variaccion E: Terradets Spain 3 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Torkemada Montserrat(agulles) None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Crank Call Asylum None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Capit&agrave; Enciam E: Siurana Spain 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Hurvinik Telli None More 2 ascends 2 comments
8b+ Journey through... C: Basler Jura Switzerland More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Now wait for last... C: Basler Jura Switzerland 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Zatopek Grotta dell’aeronaut None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Good Bye 1999 La Curva None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ les specialistes F: Verdon France 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Bebert le dromadaire carros None More 2 ascends 1 comments
8b+ In da House Penas juntas None More 2 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Sm&aring; rosa moln S: Flaten Sweden Peter Bosma More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Millenium S: Misja/Osp Slovenia 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Aerodromo I: Arco Italy 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ le dernier empereur jurassck None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ ozoh carros None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ je est un autre F: Castillon France 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ reflexion qui tue erbossiera None More 1 ascends 2 comments
8b+ morituri te salutant la bastille None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ ultimate doom F: Castillon France More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ la discoteca Jurassic Park France 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Punks in the gym Then Grampians None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Didi dzon dzon F: Eaux-Claires France 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Desafiando a Newton Alquezar None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ JourneyThruCraziness C: Basel Switzerland More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Silent Menace Cacedemon None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Dinosaur Highway Horne Lake Canada More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Catiop&eacute; Baldi None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ victory water None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Dalliance U: Kilnsey United Kingdom 2 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Parallactica Chatzouri None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Acapulco Dol. Kluczwody None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Lethargie C: Engelberg Switzerland More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Fred Feuerstein D: Frankenjura Germany 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ La Chiquette F: Buoux France More 2 ascends 1 comments
8b+ La belle inconnu E: Rodellar Spain More 4 ascends 2 comments
8b+ Roadside Prophet U: Rifle United States More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Xuan sin miedo E: Teverga Spain 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ honk deverse None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ demons+marsipulani genat None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Endless Summer C: Acephale None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Memorial GS Supermanjoc None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Reise d. d. Wahnsinn Muggenberg None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Mines de Rien Soyhi&egrave;res None More 2 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Le Spectre de l&agrave;ttok F: Gorges du Tarn France More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Salto Angel E: Rodellar Spain 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ La grotte de Nounour F: Gorges du Loup France More 2 ascends 2 comments
8b+ Discoteca F: Gorges du Loup France More 2 ascends 2 comments
8b+ Silent Menace Squamish Canada More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Question d’equilibre F: C&eacute;&uuml;se France More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Le Chirurgien F: C&eacute;&uuml;se France More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Reise d. d. Wahnsinn C: Basler Jura None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Prestidigitator Hobble Creek, Ut None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Generation next Jochberg None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Quick n toast Supermanjoc None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Super maratona I: Arco Italy 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Bastilja S: Misja/Osp Slovenia 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Povodni moz Vipavska Bela Slovenia 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ club des 5 F: Les Branches France More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Elefantenspaziergang Kl. Barmstein None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Bad attitude Supermanjoc None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ opportonist direkt one move None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ White Wedding U: Smith rocks United States 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ ? F: C&eacute;&uuml;se France More 1 ascends 2 comments
8b+ Elziver F: Claret France 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Kaj ti je deklica S: Misja/Osp Slovenia 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Liquid finger Saint Loup Switzerland More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Les chemins de Katma F: Gorges du Tarn France More 1 ascends 3 comments
8b+ Invidia L4 None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Mines de rien C: Soyhi&egrave;res None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ scarface U: Smith rocks United States More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Super-Urban U: Rumney United States More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Vampire Cafe Vampire None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ White Terror Vampire None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Jehovahkill U: Raven Tor United Kingdom 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Dont Mess with Texas Maple Canyon United States More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Specialistes F: Verdon France 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Liquid Finger Joyama Japan 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ ? F: Eaux-Claires France More 1 ascends 2 comments
8b+ ? Peiron None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ ? Kobolo None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Piku Horai Japan More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Nekomata Ogawayama None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ ? I: Arco Italy More 1 ascends 3 comments
8b+ Egomaniac Horai Japan More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ La Masto None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Datura Komamoto None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Hard luck to me Nayoro None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Hate Lifting Monestary United States More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Bobbejahn Oudtshoorn South Africa More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Essayer pour savoir F: Eaux-Claires France 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Catacombe F: Eaux-Claires France 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Hidrofobia E: Montsant France More 2 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Big G El Diablo Wall None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Schwarzes Glas C: Engelberg Switzerland More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Termilater C: Engelberg Switzerland More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Anthrax/One Step Melchtal None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Euphorie Sweden More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ L\'amour direct Falkenfluh Switzerland More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Im 2001? -Just in T. Br&uuml;ggler None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Czech Open thailand None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Le spectre F: Buoux France 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Mr. Cheki E: Siurana Spain 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ The H-Bomb Mexico None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ paleo-man Bella vista None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Ebola Montague South Africa 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ the present gorilla cliffs None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ the punisher! T: Railay None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Heros Cuenca None More 1 ascends 1 comments
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8b+ Bella Vita per Joy C: Ticino None More 1 ascends 1 comments
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8b+ Mr Cheki E: Siurana Spain 1 ascends 0 comments
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8b+ le cosmos par la por None 1 ascends 0 comments
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8b+ oppotunist direkt schleier None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ big foot man schleier None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ big fun schleier None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ mur six clopes st leger None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Miraculix Zeckennest None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ KREUZIGUNG Schleier None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ homicide claret None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ La Conjura None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Mines de Rien Soyhiers None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Charo Teverga None 2 ascends 0 comments
8b+ tiger lacroix None More 1 ascends 1 comments
8b+ Q d\'equilibre Ceuse None 1 ascends 0 comments
8b+ Smails Paradis Pic St Loup None More 1 ascends 1 comments
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