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舊 2008-06-09, 08:06   #1
註冊日期: 2003-03
文章: 955
Images: 11
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幫matt貼上美國 Alpine Club國際攀岩者聚會邀請資訊

Subject: American Alpine Club 2008 International Climbers Meet: Invitation to Taiwanese Climbers

Hi All,

The American Alpine Club is hosting their 2008 International Climber’s Meet from October 3-10. The Meet will be held in Indian Creek, Utah, one of the most beautiful places to climb in the world, and certainly the ultimate place for crack-climbing challenges.

One of the goals of the ICM is to bring together young climbers from around the world. This year, the AAC is inviting two (one male and one female) young climbers from each country. The visiting climbers will be provided with a personal tour guide and climbing host, given a grand tour of the best climbs at Indian Creek, and welcome to share this fun gathering with climbers from many countries around the world.

This is a wonderful opportunity for Taiwanese climbers to join an international gathering of climbers, meet many new friends and have a great time climbing on the best desert cracks in the world. It will be a special experience in a very special place.

Climbers who are interested should be able to lead traditional rock climbs and willing to pay for their airfare to Denver, Colorado. All other expenses are covered by the American Alpine Club.

Applications are due by July 1. If anyone has any questions or needs any help in applying, please feel free to contact Matt at I would be happy to review your application if you are unsure of anything.

This is really a great opportunity for Taiwanese climbers and I am eager to help in any way to ensure Taiwan’s climbers are represented at this Meet.

Please contact me with any questions or comments.

Matt Robertson

what do you do in your life...?
............. i live ,i Climb....... .....
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