2012-03-19, 14:49 | #1 |
台中健野(Outdoor Finder, http://shop.outdoor.com.tw )在台灣的代理商,目前正進行Edelweiss 部份過季商品的促銷活動, 活動內容主要是以吊帶為主,各位可進來Edelweiss台灣參觀指教。 近年來Edelweiss開始拓展攀登相關領域商品, 所以我們也開始生產並銷售安全頭盔、鉤環、快扣、確保器等技術裝備,也歡迎各位愛用者提供任何意見給我們,以作為日後改進的參考。 謝謝各位 ^_^ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 在海外的登山界無人不知奧地利的EDELWEISS登山繩,因為從18世紀末,它們就開始製造繩子了。200餘年的經驗加上不斷的研究,創造出世界上第一條通過UIAA直角墬落試驗(edge-fall)的登山繩。 Edge Resistance 防銳角切割,可以讓您在戶外天然岩場攀登時擁有最高品質的保障! UIAA 對繩子的測試採用墜落係數2的距離,加上80 kg 的重量 (雙繩是55 kg) 同時落在半徑只有 5 mm 的橫槓上,來測試繩子是否能夠承受岩角的尖銳摩擦。 EDELWEISS的防銳角切割主繩,跟UIAA採用相同的測試條件,只是原來的橫槓改成半徑只有 0.75 mm。一般傳統的繩子都沒有辦法通過這項測試而斷掉,只有EDELWEISS的防銳角切割主繩能夠通過這項嚴苛的測試。 EDELWEISS登山繩還有一絕,那就是獨特的SUPEREVERDRY防水處理。一般登山繩是在製造好後在繩子表面加一層化學物質作為防水膜,一旦經過使用,這層防水膜就會磨損,繩子也失去了防水的功效。而一條濕的登山繩有什麼缺點呢?
EDELWEISS的SUPEREVERDRY防水處理則是在製造繩子前就將每一根纖維先做好防水處理,然後再絞成繩索,也就是經過SUPEREVERDRY處理的繩子,從裡到外每一根都是防水的,因此你在與雨中或冰雪地使用SUPEREVERDRY處理的登山繩就不會發生上述所提到的缺點了。 PS.EDELWEISS是生長在阿爾卑斯山的小白花,是奧地利的國花,也是阿爾卑斯山的標幟。而製造這個名牌登山繩的公司名稱也很奇特,它是採用創始人的姓Teufelberger作為公司名字。這個德文字的意思是山上的魔鬼。
此文章於 2012-05-10 15:00 被 stone 編輯. |
2012-05-10, 14:54 | #2 |
防銳角切割繩索: Geos 10.5mm 防銳角切割防水攀登主繩 50米 Sharp 10.5mm 防銳角切割防水攀登主繩 50米 Extreme II 9.0mm 防銳角切割防水攀登雙繩 Sharp 8.5mm 防銳角切割防水攀登雙繩 50米 ARC 雙色攀登主繩: Elemont II ARC 10.2mm 雙色攀登主繩 50米 On Sight ARC 9.9mm 防水雙色攀登主繩 60米 Laser ARC 9.6mm 防水雙色攀登主繩 60米 輕量攀登繩索: Ally 10.3mm 攀登主繩 60米 Flashlight 10mm 攀登主繩 60米 Duolight 8mm 防水攀登半繩 50米 歡迎各位先進批評指教 Ps.以下是動態繩索中英對照,翻譯僅供參考 主繩 = Single Rope 雙繩 = Double Rope 半繩 = Twin Rope 此文章於 2012-05-12 14:28 被 stone 編輯. |
2012-05-17, 22:41 | #3 | |
另外,還有一些重點,"The other end is attached to a fixed point after passing through a carabiner-type ring about 1 foot above the point of attachment." 除了一端固定重物(weight)之外,「另一端連接在特定的固定點上,再通過高於固定點一英呎的類似鉤環的圈狀物」,書上有圖說明,主繩在固定點之後,往上往外傾延伸再跨於圈狀物上,和墜落後的主繩垂直線,形成30度銳角,和實際一般外傾岩壁上,主繩跨在鉤環的情形是一樣的。 內文還提到這測試提供相當真實"real life climbing fall", 再之後的一段描述中也提到,主繩在浸濕的情況下,大約減少30%的強度。一般是採矽膠(silicone based coating)或鐵氟龍(Teflon based coating)做防水處理,因此,防水繩除了抗磨損外,也減少了約15%磨擦力。
Defeat is not defeat unless accepted as a reality in your own mind. Bruce Lee CHEN,CHIH-YUNG |
2012-05-18, 09:32 | #4 |
繩索測試資料來源請看右邊連接:[UIAA] http://www.theuiaa.org/safety_standards.php
此文章於 2012-05-21 14:07 被 stone 編輯. 原因: 圖檔連結失效 |
2012-05-18, 16:01 | #5 |
註冊日期: 2006-11
文章: 92
看起來2004之前有獲得 Sharp edge certificate的繩子品牌 它的認證只能用到2005年底 因為sharp edge 實驗結果一直無法重覆獲得相同結果
節錄自http://http://www.snewsnet.com/site/SO05_uiaaTest.html By Clyde Soles For the complete story, see GearTrends® Summer Outdoor 2005, p. 66, "Climbing a New Line" With the introduction, and then withdrawal only a year later, of the UIAA Sharp Edge certification, climbers are now more confused than ever. The test was officially cancelled July 1, 2004 after the labs proved tests were too inconsistent to arrive even at a simple pass/fail rating. However, ropes that were certified sharp-edge resistant can continue to make this claim until the end of 2005. In reality, the sharp edge standard had more problems than reproducibility. The test was originally developed for marketing the Edelweiss Stratos, the first cut-resistant ropes. The company simply replaced the simulated carabiner at the top of the test tower in the standard UIAA drop with a 90-degree edge. This was never perceived by other rope manufacturers to be a good indicator of how a rope survives in the real world, one where ropes are more likely to pendulum across an edge rather than get cut through. Representatives from several companies told GearTrends® they do expect to see a new UIAA edge test “someday.” But it’s likely many years off and will be significantly different in nature. Until then, climbers will have to rely on the number of falls held and the sheath thickness to get an idea of cut resistance. 好幾年前西班牙的繩子品牌ROCA 也獲得UIAA sharp edge certificate 但現在都拿掉了 |
2012-05-19, 15:10 | #6 |
但是Edelweiss 繩索的製作及自我認證程序依然是持續有在進行, 以上的資料也是提供各位岩友在選擇繩索時作為參考的項目之一, 當各位在使用繩子的時候,該做的安全檢查工作還是要做, 才能減少意外發生的機率,是吧 ^_^ 希望各位爬得愉快、爬得安全囉。 |
2012-05-19, 21:22 | #7 | |
不過,覺得有得參考總比沒有好,ROCA都沒有認證,那習慣UIAA falls的消費者,想必會無所適從。也因此Edelweiss會自已另起一個相仿的測試方式,他們立場也就不難想像了,說不定我看到的是Edelweiss自已的測試標準。
Defeat is not defeat unless accepted as a reality in your own mind. Bruce Lee CHEN,CHIH-YUNG |
2012-05-20, 14:01 | #8 |
註冊日期: 2006-11
文章: 92
我想說的是sharp edge certificate 的認證大概不能信任 無論是那個品牌 看一下Edelweiss的網頁 也已經沒有標Sharp edge的logo了 至於UIAA's Falls certificate 應該還是存在的 還是可被信賴的 我如果錯 請指正一下 感謝 郭秋良 |
2012-05-20, 23:33 | #9 | |
謝謝再提出指正,我沒有去看前後文,只見到這段, In reality, the sharp edge standard had more problems than reproducibility. The test was originally developed for marketing the Edelweiss Stratos, the first cut-resistant ropes. The company simply replaced the simulated carabiner at the top of the test tower in the standard UIAA drop with a 90-degree edge. 誤以為這裡的"replaced the simulated carabiner" "in the standard UIAA drop " 是一般的UIAA Falls 的標準, 以往只是常聽到Edelweiss 直角墜落想必是更換後的"with a 90-degree edge."
Defeat is not defeat unless accepted as a reality in your own mind. Bruce Lee CHEN,CHIH-YUNG |
2012-06-11, 10:44 | #10 | |
參考網頁:http://www.edelweiss-ropes.com/en/si...eos-105mm.html |
2012-06-11, 21:17 | #11 |
The company simply replaced the simulated carabiner at the top of the test tower in the standard UIAA drop with a 90-degree edge. 那標示應該是Edelweiss公司自已更換標準(改成九十度角)後的標示吧,沒有UIAA的字標,應該不是UIAA的。
Defeat is not defeat unless accepted as a reality in your own mind. Bruce Lee CHEN,CHIH-YUNG |