2009-04-09, 16:37 | #1 |
我是徐貫中. 你已40天沒來內湖爬(大概是缺繩伴) 昨天有3人收到你的律師函 我收到.不簽收把信踢回退回 版主阿國有收到.他說了一聲.感謝他的關心 你前任繩伴洪先生也收到 眼前2條路給你走 第一條 上法院最乾脆 我們律師群一定幫你申請一張台灣唯一的攀岩禁制令!!!!!!!!!!!!! 地2條 和解 誰跟誰和解??!!! |
2009-04-11, 10:18 | #2 |
此文章於 2014-04-01 04:00 被 neihu 編輯. 原因: edit |
2009-04-16, 17:17 | #3 |
沒有用!! 沒有用!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
2009-04-17, 11:19 | #4 |
此文章於 2014-04-01 04:01 被 neihu 編輯. 原因: edit |
2009-04-17, 11:34 | #5 |
附檔是日本的野口(akiyo) 百樂妳跟野口差太遠差太多了 正巧就順便就剛剛好發個傳真給北山真說明百樂最近在做甚麼 正巧就順便就剛剛好跟美籍climber說明百樂最近在幹甚麼.... |
2009-04-17, 12:18 | #6 |
wherever she goes,she always brings 3 3hings 1.digital recorder 2..digital camera 3..digital video camera to manufacture evidence in her various crusades.!! |
2009-04-17, 12:28 | #7 |
A Profile of Babala Subject: Miss babala has a history of unnecessarily inciting conflict with others and consequently has earned a reputation as a poor sportswoman. babala is an experienced climber with 19 years of experience. She has previously placed second in national competitions, and has also ranked in international competitions. Despite her achievement and skill, her frequently offensive and hostile demeanor has earned her a very unfavorable reputation in the Taiwanese climbing community. She has also earned an unfavorable standing in national and international climbing organizations, including the Chinese Taipei Alpine Association (CTAA) and the International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC). Some of her aggressive and tactless demands consist of: *Requesting that she be application fees for entering competitions. *Attempting to enter herself into amateur or intermediate tiers, despite climbing at the professional level. *When being refused entry to a competition, she would try to gain leverage by appealing through a legislator. The general consensus among the Taiwanese climbing community regarding this issue was that she has tarnished the community's reputation abroad and displayed poor sportsmanship in general. She also displays the same kind of hostile behavior in her interpersonal relations. She changes her belayer frequently due to personal conflicts, and she often instigates petty arguments and confrontations with strangers. Again, the point of this profile is to stress the unprofessional and aggressive conduct of Ms. babala. She has little to no credibility left in the local climbing community, and should be treated with caution. |
2009-04-17, 13:15 | #8 |
會員 neihu 您好
由於您最近的發言與攀岩本身直接無關 如有任何私人事務 請私下以PM(短訊息)溝通 感謝您的合作 不便之處敬請見諒 台灣攀岩資料庫 黃國維 敬上 ------------------------------------------ 如有違反版規或討論區原則 本站處理規則如下 1.與主題無關且有爭議性文章 2.直接針對特定人士相互攻訐文章 3.謾罵,不雅字眼或不宜於本討論區出現之文字,圖片及連結 有以上情節會先行警告再做刪除 並且短訊息告知發文者 相關文字附件會保留 提供日後相關處理所需 如有使用者有發現文章遭刪除 請以短訊息與管理者連絡 如有有公開聲明需求者 請至公開聲明區發文 並且建議附上真實姓名 以示負責 不便之處敬請見諒 __________________ -------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------- what do you do in your life...? ............. i live ,i Climb....... ..... |
2009-04-17, 13:22 | #9 |
此文章於 2014-04-01 04:04 被 neihu 編輯. 原因: edit |
2009-04-17, 20:24 | #10 |
此文章於 2014-04-01 04:03 被 neihu 編輯. 原因: edit |