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舊 2006-12-13, 06:53   #1
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以下資料摘錄自"HealthDay"網站以及"Journal of Anatomy(解剖學期刊)".

簡單大意是說, 根據田納西大學(University of Tennessee)的研究報告指出, 並不會因為是攀岩者, 就會增加罹患手及指頭骨關節炎的機率. (有興趣的人再幫忙翻譯以下文章或論文摘要囉~)



Study Debunks Rock Climbing-Arthritis Link

In fact, climbers had denser, stronger bones in fingers and hands

FRIDAY, Nov. 10 (HealthDay News) -- Rock climbing does not increase the risk of osteoarthritis in the hands and fingers, says a University of Tennessee study that challenges a previous theory.

The researchers compared 27 rock climbers and 35 non-climbers to determine if the long-term stress placed on the hand and finger bones of climbers caused changes associated with osteoarthritis.

The study also examined whether climbing intensity and frequency of different styles of climbing might influence changes in hand and finger bones.

"Radiographs of both hands were taken for each participant and were scored for radiographic signs of osteoarthritis using an atlas method," researcher Adam Sylvester, of the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering at the university, said in a prepared statement.

"We compared 27 recreational rock climbers and 35 non-climbers for four measures of bone strength and dimensions and osteoarthritis. The results suggest that climbers are not at an increased risk of developing osteoarthritis compared with non-climbers," Sylvester said.

He continued: "Climber's finger and hand bones are, however, greater in cross-sectional area and total width, indicating that additional bone is being deposited on the external surface, not usually seen in adults. The strength of the finger and hand bones are correlated with styles of climbing that emphasize athletic difficulty. Significant predictors include the highest levels achieved in bouldering and sport climbing."

The study was published in the November issue of the Journal of Anatomy.

More information
The American Society for Surgery of the Hand has more about osteoarthritis of the hand.

-- Robert Preidt

SOURCE: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., news release, Nov. 1, 2006
以下是該學術論文的出處, pdf檔案請從附加檔案處下載.

Journal of Anatomy
Published on behalf of the Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland

Factors influencing osteological changes in the hands and fingers of rock climbers

Adam D. Sylvester, Angi M. Christensen, Patricia A. Kramer
檔案類別: pdf JournalofAnatomy_2006NOV.pdf (279.7 KB, 6699 次檢視)
檔案類別: pdf osteo_arthritis.pdf (86.8 KB, 2294 次檢視)

此文章於 2006-12-13 07:06 被 kevin 編輯.
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