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舊 2003-05-23, 08:58   #1
註冊日期: 2004-02
文章: 551

[說明] 此為UIAA-ICC於2003年最新公佈之攀岩競賽準則,以補充原有國際攀岩競賽手冊之不足,內容提及:基本規定,隔離區及熱身區設施,比賽獎金,電視轉播與贊助權等最新規定




These guidelines must be read in conjunction with the ICC Handbook 2003 regarding competition regulations. Copies of this document are available from the ICC.

1. The organiser shall not use other denomination than the one approved by the ICC (e.g. UIAA-ICC World Cup, UIAA-ICC World Championship, etc.). Any modification or addition, presented in any official document (including advertising) is subject to ICC written authorisation.
Written invitations shall be forwarded two month prior to the event to both UIAA and ICC Presidents.
2. The logo of the UIAA, with the three letter ICC (or the extended version: International Council for Competition Climbing, on two lines) below must be reported in all official documents, including result sheets, press releases, banner, posters, etc.
3. The organiser shall provide the ICC on application to host an event the following:
i. the address of the venue, travel possibilities to the town (including road, train, plane), local maps which show the location of the venue in the town.
ii. the hotels and the price range of the hotels that are to be used by the competitors and officials, and the method of booking accommodation, relevant telephone and fax numbers, and payment options; different accommodation options may be provided, but the cheapest shall not exceed 50 CHF person/night.
iii. the type and brief description of the climbing wall to be used, including overall height, width and extent of overhang.
iv. the audience capacity of the competition venue.
v. the provisional programme of the event.
4. Communication during the competition. The audience shall be kept updated about the running of the round by display or other devices, which will report the name of the competitors on the wall, and with an appropriate frequency, the provisional results.
5. All official results shall be sent within 30 minutes from the end of the competition to (or to another e-mail address given by the ICC) for immediate release on the ICC web site.

The isolation zone should consists of two immediately adjacent areas:
a) A general area for relaxation and refreshment - b) An area that includes a practice wall. There must be no access to public telephones for the competitors.
General Area
This shall be of sufficient size to accommodate comfortably all the competitors competing in a round of the competition and their equipment. The area should have a minimum temperature of 20 degrees Celsius. The area shall include:
a) Changing facilities and toilets for both male and female competitors - b) Drinking water. If no other refreshments are provided this must be made known to the competitors before the event via the ICC - c) Cushioned matting and/or chairs for the competitors to perform stretching and relaxation - d) The start lists for that round of the competition - e) The provision of a separate smoking room will be found to be necessary. Smoking is not permitted in all other areas.
Practice wall
a) The practice wall should provide a minimum of one square metre for each competitor present in a round of the competition, with an absolute minimum of 60 (sixty) square metres - b) The climbing holds on the wall should be of the same type as those used on the competition wall - c) For safety reasons the competitors should not be able to access the supporting structure - d) The wall should not be higher than 4 metres in height nor less than 2 metres, and should be provided with suitable cushioned matting below its climbing surfaces - e) The profile of the wall should range from vertical to horizontal with the majority of the wall overhanging in excess of 10 degrees. The amount of the wall that is horizontally overhanging should reflect the amount present in the main competition wall - f) The tightness of the climbing holds must be maintained at all times.
Competition Area
While the competition is running, the competition area must be accessible only to the jury and to organiser personnel (i.e. belayers). All other persons, including media operators (TV crews, photographers, etc.) must be authorised by the President of the Jury and the ICC Delegate.
A minimum of two banners of the UIAA-ICC must be shown in the competition area, one of them at the base of the wall (route) used for the running round. UIAA-ICC banners are not mixed with commercial banners. UIAA-ICC banners are provided by the ICC.
A special area for interviews and photos must be provided within the competition area, in order to allow competitors who have completed their attempts (and may be awaiting, for example, anti doping procedures) to be approached by the media (subject to the approval of the President of the Jury).

The relevant calendar fee shall be paid to the ICC by the hosting national Federation when the proposed competition has been officially approved in the competition calendar. 2003 2003 – ICC FEE SYSTEM has been established as follows:
ICC Admission fee (una tantum, for those Federations not already members of CEC nor of Continental Councils) 1000 CHF - World Championship calendar fee 4000 - World Cup calendar fee 2500 - Continental championship calendar fee 2000 - International events calendar fee 2500 -
World and Continental Championship competitors fee 80/competitor - World Cup Competitors´ fee 60/competitor - Late Registration Fee 500 - International Licences (both and renewal) 25/competitor - European Youth Cup Team entrance fee 150/team - European Youth Cup Team (> 15 participants) 300/team - Continental Youth Event (EYC,..) 500 - Regional event calendar fee (max. 5 countries) 500 - Annual fee 500 (Minus 100 CHF / event if the Federation organize a World Cup/ World Youth Championship)
Calendar fees are to be paid within the 31st of December of the previous year. Others upon receiving the relevant invoice.
International Jury
The travel expenses and the honorarium of the President of the Jury and the Category Judge shall be covered by the ICC, as well as for the ICC Delegate. The category judges will also be responsible for producing: rankings of each round and the overall standings, as well as the updated World Cup standings at the end of the event, if requested by the organisers, upon the condition to have at his/her disposal the proper equipment.
International Forerunner: the ICC recommends a salary of 3000 Swiss Francs for a full job (chief routesetter/making of the routes plus Int. For. final supervision), and 750 Swiss Francs if he acts only as a supervisor of the routes. In addition, the competition organiser will provide the International Jury (including the ICC delegate) with appropriate accommodation (half board) from the evening before the event, until the morning after, in single rooms, three star hotel (or equivalent with private bath/douche/w.c. rooms).
Prize Money
See Appendix 1
These amounts must be NET i.e. after any local taxes have been deducted. The prize money must be available to the finalists immediately after the awards ceremony. The availability of the prize money as well as the amount of the jury’s reimbursements must be proved by the hosting Federation or by the Organising Committee to the ICC not later than six weeks before the start of the competition, through a bank guarantee or other system approved by the ICC.

International TV rights and Web casting right belong to the UIAA/ICC. However, upon a ICC decision, these rights have been delegated to the hosting Federation for the year 2002. The organisers shall provide the ICC as soon as circumstances allow with a copy in a professional format of the (edited) tapes of the event, for ICC future internal or promotional purposes.
The responsibility of sponsorship lies with the competition organiser. The suitability of the proposed sponsor(s) can be confirmed with the ICC.
However the use of tobacco sponsors and alcohol (brands above 20 percentage) is not permitted by the ICC for any approved and recognised competition.
Any branding on the surface of the wall must not impede the competitor\'s view of the climbing holds or structures.

All ceremonies shall comply with the IOC usual protocol. ICC medals and/or trophies shall be awarded by UIAA and ICC executives present at the event. National anthem playing and raising flags ceremonies are mandatory at the ICC Championships and World Cup final events.

Appendix 1
DIFFICULTY AND BOULDER (same for men and women)
1. A MINIMUM amount of prizes to be distributed to competitors ranked from 1st to 6th place is established as follows:
TOTAL (same for men and women)
1. 3333 2066
2. 2000 1240
3. 1083 671
4. 583 361
5. 333 207
6. 200 103 15054 9335
2. When the total amount proposed by the organiser exceeds the minimum, the additional amount shall be spread among the semi-finalists, down to the 15th place, and if still possible, it shall increase the first six ranked competitor pursue as decided by the ICC Board, in accordance with the Organising Committee.
SPEED (same for men and women)
1. A MINIMUM amount of prizes to be distributed to competitors ranked from 1st to 4th place is established as follows:
1. 800 495
2. 600 373
3. 400 248
4. 250 156 4100 2541
2. When the total amount proposed by the organiser exceeds the minimum, the additional amount shall be spread among the 1/4 finalists (down to the 8th place), and if still possible, it shall increase the first four ranked competitors pursue, as decided by the ICC Board, in accordance with the Organising Committee.
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